11 Ways to Write Better Blog Posts: Some Writing Tips are Here


Writing blog posts has become more and more important to the vast majority of these days, with only a few exceptions. There are countless tips that can help you improve your writing skills, but we wanted to share some of our favorites.  


We all know that there’s more to good writing than just correct grammar. Sometimes, the best approach when you’re stuck on a particular topic is by taking a different angle, sharing a personal story or something from your life experiences that might help give insight into the topic.


You might also consider revising what you’ve already written and re-reading it before having someone else read it or submitting it for publication.  Alanajwashington has some more ways to write better blog posts.


That way, you can be sure that nothing sounds awkward or off-putting in any way. 


There are a handful of things that can make any blog post, from the most mundane to the most insightful, more interesting and easier to read. 

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Here’s some advice on how you can produce better blog posts in no time:


1) Include quotes and statistics in your posts, 2) Proofread twice before publishing!, 3) Write in the active voice when possible to keep readers engaged., 4) List all resources that you have used or come across to support your content, 5) Provide links to social media profiles for people who want further suggestions on the topic


6) Make sure each point goes back to supporting the main argument

Point One: It’s one of the highest-grossing movies of all time.

Point Two: The visuals were revolutionary for the time. Point Three: It was ranked as one of the best films ever made by Roger Ebert and Rolling Stone magazine.


Argument Two: Star Wars is not a great movie. 

Point One: It has inappropriate content that some may find offensive, such as death and violence. 

Point Two: The dialogue is cringeworthy in many scenes, which makes it hard to watch sometimes.


7) Make sure each piece of information is relevant and connects back to the topic 

In order to do so, we need to make sure each point goes back and supports the main argument or thesis. 


For example: If you’re writing an essay about “the merits of studying in college,” it would be helpful for the reader if you mentioned that college has a long list of benefits, including your personal development and maturity. 


A good way to accomplish this task would be by beginning with one particular benefit in your opening paragraph (e.g., “College has helped me grow as a person”) and then transitioning into examples throughout your paper (e.g. “College has helped me mature”). 

This will create a smooth transition between your opening paragraphs and the rest of your essay, making it appear as if you are building towards a main argument.

8) Break up your content into multiple posts

Content can be split up into smaller chunks to allow readers to consume your content more easily. There are a few ways you can do this.


  • Post small chunks of content through an email newsletter or a blog.
  • Break up longer content on your website with navigational links and other indicators so that visitors know they have the option of exploring different pages or scrolling down for more information.
  • Publish chapters one at a time as separate pages on your website, then splice them together later when you’re ready to publish the book as one complete volume.


9) Write about what you know best. This is especially true for new bloggers

If you are a new blogger, you might want to start out with the kind of posts that you are most passionate about. Writing blog posts about what you know best will help build your blog’s reputation for quality and expertise.


To illustrate this point, take a look at this article written by Jayde: “How to Unblock your Drain”. Jayde is an expert at unblocking drains, and it would probably be easy for her to write about that topic without much information out there on the subject.


10) Break down longer and complex ideas into smaller parts

The best way to break down long and complex ideas into smaller parts is to start with the most basic, fundamental concepts. This helps you get a handle on the big picture before you dive in too deep. Put together a rough outline of what each section will cover, and make sure that each section has its own self-contained argument.

11) Take the time to conduct research before writing your piece 

The act of writing can be very daunting. There are so many things to think about and consider when it comes to crafting your piece- everything from title, topic, tone, structure, etc. That’s why it’s important that you put as much time into researching the topic as you do actually writing the piece. Conducting research in advance will not only give you a lot more information to work with when drafting your document but also entail substantial benefits- for instance, there is less chance of making an error or plagiarizing someone else’s content.


Meta Description: Writing blog posts has become more and more important to the vast majority of these days with only a few expectations . Luckily, the post is here to give you some ways to write better blog posts.

Radhe Gupta is an Indian business blogger. He believes that Content and Social Media Marketing are the strongest forms of marketing nowadays. Radhe also tries different gadgets every now and then to give their reviews online. You can connect with him...


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