Any body can dance cast

cheers, joy, poor @ Pixabay

In the movie, “Why Everybody Can Dance” anyone can dance regardless of age, size or skill level.

The cast is made up of people from all walks of life and backgrounds who have come together to show that everyone has the ability to move their body in a way that they find joyous and exciting.

film, projector, movie projector @ Pixabay

The cast of the movie “Why Everybody Can Dance” is made up of people from all walks of life and backgrounds who have come together to show that everyone has the ability to move their body in a way they find joyous and exciting.

Many cast members share how moving their bodies, particularly through dance, improved their lives by teaching them self-love and acceptance or providing relief for chronic pain.

Whether you’re an experienced dancer or just someone with two left feet (or ten!), this film will hopefully inspire you to get out on your own dance floor!


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