Any change in the nucleotide sequence of DNA is called?

nucleotide, dna, pyrimidine @ Pixabay

Throughout your life, you’re constantly changing. You grow taller and hairier. You develop new tastes in music or fashion. And – without even realizing it – you change too! That’s because every time a cell divides to create new cells for the body, it makes mistakes as it copies its DNA instructions into messenger RNA (mRNA). These mistakes are called mutations, and they happen all the time.

Some of them cause changes that can lead to cancer if left unchecked; others might help protect us from disease by activating an immune response when we need it most. What are DNA Mutations? Throughout your life, you’re constantly changing.

You grow taller and hairier. You develop new tastes in music or fashion. And – without even realizing it – you change too!

dna, helix, string @ Pixabay

That’s because every time a cell divides to create new cells for the body, it makes mistakes as it copies its DNA instructions into messenger RNA (mRNA). These mistakes are called mutations, and they happen all the time.

Some of them cause changes that can lead to cancer if left unchecked; others might help protect us from disease by activating an immune response when we need it most. In this blog post about what is going on with our genome now and how important these natural errors are, I will discuss some common misconceptions about mutation.


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