A Brief Overview of the History of Architecture


Architecture is an important part of human culture. Humans have been building structures to shelter themselves from the elements for thousands of years. The buildings are not only practical, they are also beautiful, and there is always much debate over which style is the best.


The article will tell you more about the rich history of architecture in almost every society in the world, from tribal huts to pyramids to skyscrapers. Alanajwashington has some more brief overview of the history of architecture.


You’ll learn about how architecture has evolved with different populations’ needs and tastes! Some designs are better suited for hot climates than others; some architectures even keep dangerous weather away from vulnerable populations such as refugees or disaster survivors.


Architecture is one of the most ancient human arts. It has developed over many millennia, starting with simple mud huts to today’s skyscrapers. This blog gives an overview of the most important periods in Architecture throughout history, including Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece and Rome, Asian Architecture, Gothic Architecture- Renaissance Architecture- Modernism (19th century) – Contemporary architecture (since 1950).


It began long before humans were on the scene, back when land was formed. The structures we see today are a product of the same forces that shaped our planet. As these forces changed and adapted over time, so did architecture. This article is going to highlight 8 key points in the history of architecture that you should know about for your project!


  • Geotectonics 

Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, landslides – these are just a few of the many events that geologists track. It’s a tough job but somebody’s got to do it!

The study of the earth is called Geotectonics and there are four types:


  1. Structural Geology – studying how the earth’s surface has been shaped by natural processes such as weathering and erosion


  1. Sedimentology – study of rocks and deposits made from wind, water, or glaciers    


  1. Volcanology – study of volcanoes; how they work; why they erupt; their history; what causes earthquakes (including some on Mars!) etc


  1. Hydrogeology – study of the interaction between water and rocks.


Structural geologists work on the study of landforms and how they have come to be, for example folds in rocks, faults and changes to rock masses. They also look at how rock is changed by natural processes through time. 


Sedimentologists study the processes which shape sedimentary rocks, such as sandstone; for example how they are formed from sand over long periods of time and how they can change depending on different circumstances e.g. being cemented together or eroded into fine particles.


  • Plankton 

Plankton are a major part of the planet’s food chain. They are neither fish nor animals, but their cells possess chloroplasts that allow them to produce their own food from sunlight. Hundreds of thousands of tiny plankton can be found in every liter of ocean water and are an important part of the world’s ecological balance.


This article is about why you should care about plankton and how they affect our world. It will cover what species of plankton exist, their role in the environment, and how we might be able to improve conditions for them so they don’t become endangered like so many other aquatic life forms have in recent history .


  • Eukaryotes 

Eukaryotes may not be as interesting as other microbes, but they’re actually the most complex organisms on earth. Spanning the entire world of life, these single-celled creatures are found in all types of habitats – from ocean depths to hot springs to inside our own bodies.


They have a nucleus that contains most of their DNA and organelles that conduct various metabolic activities. These organelles are responsible for carrying out cellular respiration, photosynthesis, and food digestion.


  • Sulfur 

Sulfur is also known as brimstone and is a flammable solid . It was once used in matches, although it has been mostly replaced by magnesium. Sulfur is found in volcanic gases, hot springs, geysers and the Earth’s crust.


Sulfur is a type of element with 12 valence electrons that can get hold of seven hydrogens to form the chemical formula H2S. This number happens to be greater than the number of electrons that can be held by other non-noble elements such as oxygen or nitrogen.


In all compounds it forms polymeric chains with sulfur atoms connected by disulfide bridges which are structurally similar to proteins or DNA molecules.


  • Greenhouse Effect 

Understanding the Greenhouse Effect is important to understand how we are affecting our world. Our activities today have been changing the way the atmosphere works and has been altering life on Earth for humans, animals, plants and even micro-organisms. 


The most well known form of this is through use of fossil fuels such as oil and coal that are released into the atmosphere to heat up global temperatures. 


These emissions have also altered our climate with changes in rainfall patterns, weather patterns, droughts, hurricanes, flooding and much more.


  • Cambrian Explosion 

The Cambrian Explosion is a term for a rapid and dramatic increase in the diversity of lifeforms on Earth. This event marked the transition from relatively simple organisms found during the Precambrian, to the complex and diverse forms that characterize much of living flora and fauna today.


Meta Description: Architecture is an important part of human culture. Humans have been building structures to shelter themselves from the elements for thousands of years, The post is here to give you some more brief overview of the history of architecture.


Radhe Gupta is an Indian business blogger. He believes that Content and Social Media Marketing are the strongest forms of marketing nowadays. Radhe also tries different gadgets every now and then to give their reviews online. You can connect with him...


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