10 Tips and Tricks for Business Intelligence: Insightful Guides


In the competitive world of business, it is important to know what your competition is doing. You can use 10 strategies from this 10-part series on Business Intelligence to gain a leg up on the competition. In this article, Fomoco News will make you learn 10 Tips and Tricks for Business Intelligence: Insightful Guides!

Ideas, Bulb, Creative, Light, Light Bulb

Map your data

In order to really understand the information you’re getting from various sources, it’s necessary to connect those dots between what you have in each system so that everything is on one chart. It will help show how different pieces of information are related across systems or databases.

Make use of metadata

Make use of metadata If you’re mapping, filtering, pivoting or otherwise manipulating the information in your reports to get it into a visual format that’s easier to comprehend. Be sure to label each visualization with all available context around the datasets used within the report. You can do this by adding descriptive labels called “metadata” that are saved alongside any data file. So they’ll never get lost when downloaded/exported from an app again!

Use color well

Color is a powerful tool when properly applied. Use color well When you’re producing or using business intelligence information. Make sure to use appropriate colors and shades for the various data sets within your reports!

Create custom widgets

Custom widgets can be created when you need to present information in a new way. By creating a widget, you can then save it for future use and reuse it whenever needed.

Don’t Overlook the Obvious

The first tip to keep in mind with business intelligence is not to overlook the obvious. For instance, one of your users might be struggling because they are asked to complete 10 queries per day for their analysis but only have time for five or six. The solution seems simple: give them more time so that they can get all 10 done before the deadline! But this would actually lead to a larger problem: what if you had other analysts who were able and willing to work longer hours? If you give the extra tasks from Person A over to Person B then while Person A has fewer items on their plate Person B now has 10+ instead of just five or six which creates an imbalance across everyone doing BI work. In the end, the 10 items for Person A will be sitting there. Because they can’t get them all done in time and no one else is able to take on more.

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help

Business Intelligence (BI) is crucial in this day and age of “big data” that can be analyzed to provide companies with the information they need to make important decisions about their products, services, marketing campaigns etc. The key is finding someone who knows how to effectively carry out using it as a tool without having too much stress added on top of what’s already expected from them in their role.

Get Out Of The Office And Talk With People Who Use Your Product Or Service Daily

If you want your company’s information viewed in a certain way then it would be wise to consult with people who actually know what they’re looking at when it comes down to seeing things from perspective. Asking customers for their honest feedback on what they like most about your product or service is a great way to think outside of the box when it comes to how you’re presenting things.

Learn Where You Stand And Adjust If Needed

It’s important that everyone who uses data driven information has access to where all this information is coming from and also understands why certain people are being segmented in specific ways based on the various factors involved with using this kind of tool for business intelligence purposes. It can be easy to look at raw numbers without thinking twice. But looking deeper into these figures will provide insight as to whether something might need to be adjusted if there isn’t an even distribution between groups based upon whatever criteria was used during the analysis phase beforehand.

Plan ahead

One of the most important aspects to keep in mind with any sort of business intelligence initiative is planning ahead. For example, it might be beneficial for an organization to create a revenue model before diving into specific details about how they’re going to arrive at this number down the road. A thorough plan can make all the difference when conflict arises between members within an organization who are trying to figure out what data looks like and where it’s coming from.

Understand your audience

Different people have different needs/goals when it comes time for them to use information that’s been gathered through some type of analysis process. It’s not just about looking deeper into raw numbers without thinking twice. But also being able to understand why certain people are being segmented in certain ways.

Know your data sources

The more you know about the specific pieces of information that are being presented to you, the better off decisions can be made in a timely manner with respect to how they pertain to what’s going on around us. How often do we look at numbers without thinking about where these numbers came from? Do they represent enough people/companies or is it just one company that has 10 employees who all happen to have an iPhone 10? Make sure you’re asking yourself these types of questions every time before putting too much stock into anything! Finding outliers and inconsistencies early-on will help prevent major problems down the road when trying to figure out why something isn’t looking before moving forward.


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