Apathy is death

human, man, mourning @ Pixabay

Apathy is death. It’s a message that has been preached by many for ages, but it doesn’t seem to be getting through to some of us. We sit in the dark and let our lives pass us by as we wait for something to happen; as if we are waiting for someone else to solve all our problems.

sadness, tears, crying @ Pixabay

But what will they do when you’re not there?

What will they see when you close your eyes forever?

This is a message for those who have let apathy take control of their lives. It’s time to start doing something, anything – and not just for yourself. You owe it to the world around you to do something with your life; even if it might be small at first.

Start today and change the system from within because one person can make a difference when they are willing. Apathy is death, but don’t let that stop you from living!


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