Appreciation messages should begin with a(n)

email, newsletter, marketing @ Pixabay

A flurry of appreciation messages can make your day. These 10 examples will not only inspire you but help you create a message that is sure to be appreciated by the recipient. Use these as inspiration or right-click and copy/paste them into an email for quick sending!

email, message, envelope @ Pixabay

1) Dear __,

                I want to thank you for all the things that you do. You are such an important part of my life and I appreciate everything that you do for me. Thank you so much!

Sincerely Yours,

John Smith.

Hi, __. Just wanted to say thanks again for being a great friend! Thanks for always listening when it’s tough and providing fun distractions when needed 😉 Love ya (with hugs) – Jenny Miller Hey __-thanks for your help on this project yesterday; it really helped us get through some difficult points in our timeline planning process. It was just what we needed at the time 🙂 Have a good one—Alex Johnson 


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