Approximately how many days before beginning work involving digging should you contact 811?

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You’ll want to call 811 before you start any digging on your property. This is the best way to make sure that there are no underground cables or pipes near where you are planning to dig. It only takes a few minutes and can save hours of frustration! Blog Post Conclusion: If you want to call before digging, don’t hesitate! The time for calling is now. Call us at *855-411-11*.

vinyl records, store, shopping @ Pixabay

Overview of the Blog Content in This Draft: Title: “The Digging Safety Answer” Description: How many days do I need to contact my local utility company before starting any work involving digging? Content (paragraphs): You’ll want to call your electric or gas provider before you start any digging on your property. This will ensure that there are no underground cables or pipes near where you’re planning to dig. It only takes a few minutes and can save hours of frustration! Your phone line may be down while the crew is working nearby


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