Approximately, what basic composition are all stars born with?

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Stars are born with a large amount of hydrogen and helium gas. These elements are the basic composition of stars that have been observed thus far, but astronomers believe there may be more to it than that.

There are three types of stars: red giants, blue-white dwarfs, and yellow dwarves; each type has different strengths in their chemical makeup. It is believed that all three types originate from hydrogen and helium gases. In stars, nuclear fusion takes place. The process of nuclear fusion converts hydrogen and helium into heavier elements such as carbon and oxygen. Red giants are the largest type of star in existence but they eventually run out of fuel and explode in a supernova.

Blue-white dwarfs

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Blue-white dwarfs have an extremely high density which causes them to burn hotter by squeezing their atoms closer together; this burns up any available gas quickly making it hard for these types of stars to last very long before dying off as well. Yellow dwarves have just enough mass that allows them to maintain life cycles much like our sun with a lifespan lasting over billions years due to its slower burning rate which is what makes these stars special in astronomy studies today. This blog post will explore how


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