Archaea and eukaryotes can regulate cellular processes posttranslationally by using

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Did you know that archaea and eukaryotes are the only two domains of life that use posttranslationally to regulate cellular processes?

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It’s true! In this blog post, we will discuss 10 interesting facts about archaea and eukaryotes. A. Archaea and eukaryotes are the only two domains of life that use posttranslationally to regulate cellular processes B. The genes for this process can be found on plasmids, which is a small circular piece of DNA surrounded by protein within bacteria C. These bacterial cells have been shown to affect human metabolism in recent studies D.

Other organisms do not possess these plasmids; therefore they cannot perform posttranslational regulation as quickly or efficiently because it takes time for mRNA transcripts to reach their destination before being translated into proteins E. RNA interference has also been observed in archaea, but does not occur nearly as often as in eukaryotes due to lack of diversity among


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