Are arby’s curly fries gluten free?

french fries, potato, appetizer @ Pixabay

Many people with gluten sensitivities have been wondering if Arby’s curly fries are gluten free. This article will help answer this question for you! If you are looking for a quick answer, then the short answer is that Arby’s curly fries are not gluten free. The longer and more detailed explanation of this question comes from the fact that their potatoes have wheat in them too.

bowl, french fries, food @ Pixabay

So if you want to know what an item on the menu at Arby’s has in it, then simply find out whether or not they use wheat flour to make it! If there is any sort of “wheat” mentioned, then there is most likely some form of gluten present as well. For example: Arby’s Roast Beef Sandwich – Contains Gluten?This roast beef sandwich contains both salt and yeast extract (a “hidden” source of gluten).

Arby’s Roast Beef Sandwich

– Contains Gluten?This roast beef sandwich contains both salt and yeast extract (a “hidden” source of gluten). Arby’s curly fries do not contain any form of wheat, so they are safe for consumption if you have a gluten intolerance. They also offer fried zucchini strips that should be entirely free from all forms of gluten as well! If you’re in the mood for something more like french fries, then your best bet at an “all-American” restaurant is either Chick Fil A or Five Guys Burgers & Fries. Both these restaurants use soybean oil to fry their potatoes which makes them completely free from flour and other sources of hidden gluten


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