Are australian shepherds hypoallergenic?

dog, white shepherd, canine @ Pixabay

A lot of people are looking for ways to make their homes more comfortable and allergy-free. One popular solution is getting a hypoallergenic dog, such as an Australian Shepherd. These dogs are often considered the perfect breed because they don’t shed, which means that there’s no need to clean up hair with every walk! But, do they really live up to this hype? In this article we will explore whether or not these dogs actually produce less dander than other breeds (and if so, why), what kind of allergens can be found in their coat and how much you should expect your pup to shed. Do Australian Shepherds Shed?

australian shepherd, aussie, shepherd @ Pixabay

Due to their lack of shedding and smooth, short coat, an Australian Shepherd is one of the only breeds that qualifies as a hypoallergenic dog. The hair on these dogs doesn’t produce dander which contains allergens like pollen or pet fur. However, this breed does have hair follicles in its skin and some people may be sensitive to them. Still though, they are relatively low-maintenance when it comes to allergy sufferers because there’s not much chance for buildup! If you’re looking for something with less grooming requirements (although still needs occasional brushing) then go with an Aussie! What Allergies Can Be Present In Their Coat? A lot


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