are you happy in this modern world,

hong kong, city, traffic @ Pixabay

How do you feel about the world we live in? It seems like every day, there is more bad news and more problems to solve. In this blog post, we will talk about how happiness has changed throughout history as well as what it means for us today. For centuries, happiness was seen as a state of mind. Some people think that you need to be in the right frame of mind to be happy and others believe that it’s only possible if your life is perfect- but neither is true. By definition, “happiness” means being satisfied or content with one’s situation and possessing the ability to enjoy something despite its flaws. This concept has changed over time though: from Aristotle’s view on eudaimonia (the ideal human flourishing), through Thomas Aquinas’ idea about natural perfection, finally arriving at an overly simplistic conception where some people feel entitled or even obliged to pursue their own self-fulfillment first before they can consider anything else – let alone thinking about


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