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What is Haragei? Haragei is a Japanese word that encompasses the idea of “breath power” or “life force.” In martial arts, it can be translated as “assertive energy,” and in other disciplines such as Zen Buddhism it means something like “mind power.” The concept of haragei was developed by Morihei Ueshiba (1883-1969), known to the world as O Sensei. He combined his knowledge of traditional Japanese martial arts with his study of Zen Buddhist teachings to create what he called aikido. He believed that there are two ways to interact with someone: one through physical strength and another through subtlety and spiritual understanding. The former relies on brute force while the latter relies on the power of haragei. O Sensei’s belief in this idea led to him teaching that aikido should be utilized for self-defense, but never as an aggressive weapon against another person. Haragei also has great relevance outside of martial arts and is seen often in Japanese culture today. For example, it can show up in traditional tea ceremonies or with bonsai plants which are said to have their own form of energy called chi (or ki). What Is Haragei? In Japanese martial arts like Aikido, “haragei” is translated as “assertive energy.” The concept was developed by Morihei Ueshiba who combined his knowledge of traditional Japanese


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