Antwort auf how are you?

cooking vegetables, eat your vegetables, pot @ Pixabay

How are you? I am well, thank you.

Summary: The purpose of this blog post is to discuss how you are.

How are you? I am well, thank you. Hopefully, that’s the case for all of us!

people, man, exercise @ Pixabay

In my experience when someone asks “How are You?” they want to know more than just your physical health and emotional state; they want to hear about what’s going on in your life (work, relationships, hobbies).

Perhaps it would be best if we could rephrase our question from “how are YOU?” as “what’s new with YOU?”.

This way people will feel like their story matters and gets heard. All too often we put others’ stories first while forgetting that sharing our stories with one another helps us feel less alone. 




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