Anything goes when everything’s gone

polaroid, photo, heart @ Pixabay

When you’re standing in an empty room, it’s easy to forget that there is a world outside of it. But don’t worry – everything will come back when the time comes.

There are always things we want and need to do, people who love us, and places for us to go. These truths will get you through the empty times in your life.

photos, hands, hold @ Pixabay

You can always give more of yourself to what and who matters most, even when it feels like there’s nothing left. And maybe that will be enough for them. The only thing we truly have is now, so enjoy every minute of it with people who make you happy.

Even if everything else falls apart someday, these moments won’t take away from each other because they’re all as precious as diamonds – just different shapes and sizes.

If anything does happen though, then those memories are going to stick around forever; no need to worry about forgetting or losing them along the way! __ Like a diamond, our friendships grow stronger over time too.


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