Appropriate switches for belt sanders are?

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One of the most common complaints about belt sanders is that they are not able to finish a project. This can be due to a number of different reasons, but one of the most frequent causes is improperly switched belts.

If you have ever had to stop working on your project because your belt sander got jammed up with wood chips or didn’t move at all, this could be an easy fix for you!

sander, horseshoe, farrier @ Pixabay

All you need to do is make sure that when you switch out your belts it’s done properly so that neither gets caught and jams up.

It’s also important to know that there are different types of belts for belt sanders, so it can be helpful if you have an idea about which type your sander uses before you switch out the old one.

The following is a list of all the common types with their pros and cons:

E-Belt – this belt will give you more power than other alternatives but can wear down quickly because they’re made from electrical conductors. It has both soft and hard edges on them too so they’ll last longer. 

PSA Belt – these belts use polyurethane as their main material making them perfect for finishing wood projects like furniture or cabinets because they won’t leave scratches on the surface. 


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