are you not entertained gif-

black, group, crowd @ Pixabay

What is the point of all this? Why are you here, reading this blog post? To find the answers to these questions we have to take a step back and understand how it all began. The Romans were entertaining themselves with an activity called “theatrical entertainment.” This consisted of watching performances in theaters. It wasn’t until 18th century France that people started using the word “entertainment” as a verb for what they do when they’re not working.

black, group, crowd @ Pixabay

So, if you want to be entertained (and who doesn’t?), then keep reading! In the 19th century, London’s Covent Garden became a hotspot for entertainment. Theaters were built and people would come just to see new shows or watch an opera performance. People started doing things that we now think of as “entertainment” like attending concerts in order to be entertained by the music they’re hearing (or watching). In 1904 when you could hear ragtime being played on your piano, it was easy to understand what made these pieces so entertaining – they had syncopated rhythms!

But if you wanted some live-action, then there was always vaudeville which combined comedy with different acts such as performing animals or playing tricks on each other on stage. One popular act involved two men who pretended to rip up


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