are you ready for the summer?

tree, flowers, meadow @ Pixabay

Summer is almost here and you know what that means: more time outdoors with your dog! While it’s great to spend more time outside, having a plan for how to prepare your pet before you take them out can be helpful. That’s why we have put together 10 steps on how to prepare your dogs for the summer!

Step One: Brush Your Dog’s Teeth Dogs don’t have the ability to brush their own teeth, so it is up to you and other family members to do the job. If your dog eats dry food or anything that leaves a residue on its teeth then brushing them down every day should be routine. Not only will this help prevent tooth decay, but can also contribute to preventing bad breath! Show your pet some love by providing an adequate level of oral care for them – even if they aren’t big fans of having their mouth and tongue touched. Choose one thing from these steps that you want people who read your blog post to know about preparing dogs for summertime. 


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