are you ready lyrics-

phonograph, record, music @ Pixabay

The lyrics of this song are perfect to get you ready for the day. It’s short and sweet, but it will really help motivate you! This is a blog post about Lyric’s To Get You Ready by Lauren Aquilina. This is a blog post about Lyric’s To Get You Ready by Lauren Aquilina. The lyrics of this song are perfect to get you ready for the day. It’s short and sweet, but it will really help motivate you!

lyrics, sheet music, note @ Pixabay

*Lyric: “I’m say what I want when I feel like shouting” *Description: This lyric has an empowering message that someone may need on certain days where they just can’t seem to find their voice or keep going even though everything seems overwhelming. It also means not being passive in life..not sure if that was intended with this line, but it is worth mentioning because as women we have been socialized to let people talk over us sometimes which leads me back to feeling.

phonograph, record, music @ Pixabay


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