
This is a very common problem that I have experienced myself. It happens every now and then, but it’s usually not a huge problem. However, sometimes the internet will keep disconnecting for a few seconds before reconnecting again. I don’t have any specific suggestions on how to...
The new vision technology that will allow designers to easily work with 3D models and create a more interactive experience is a revolution in the way people and businesses communicate. The technology allows you to virtually build an entire product without ever having to leave the screen....
technology rotors
I just received my brand new set of Raybestos Advanced Technology Rotors and I'm very excited. The RASR and RASR-B are the same as the RASR-A, except without the center shaft and the RASR-B has a lower, wider rotor body and a deeper, flatter rotor hub. The...
I am a big fan of the 11th edition of this book. The best thing about it is that there’s no math. However, I have found that if you have a book that has an Excel spreadsheet to be used as a reference, that is a good...
plastics technology
It is no secret that we are living in an environment dominated by polymer plastics. Polymers made from petroleum, such as polyethylene and polypropylene (PEX), are made from petroleum by-products, such as ethane, propane, and butane. In addition, more and more plastic is being produced using toxic...
My rain technology is all about keeping the rain off of the home. In our home, rain is water that doesn’t come through the roof or windows. It is always water that will drip to the ground. Rain technology is a new technology that...
A lot of people have an opinion about the benefits of computers and the like. However, if you look at the actual technology that makes these things so powerful, it quickly becomes clear that they are a necessity. It’s so much easier to control something if it...
I’m not sure if I’ve made myself feel better or worse about this, but I’ve been reading a few books about instructional technology textbooks, and it’s starting to feel like I finally know what I’m doing when it comes to learning about it. This...
Not every technology has survived the wrecking ball. In fact, I think that the majority of the technology that did survive has been salvaged by the people who use it. I had a friend who is an engineering major in college who gave me some tips for...
Today’s technology has created a whole new world of banner advertising, which has created a number of ways for businesses to reach customers with the most effective message. banner ads are everywhere, but only very few companies are using them to their full advantage.