What is Kamagra used for?


Kamagra is generic form of Viagra, the most popular drug in the world for restoring potency. In fact, it’s called the # 1 pill for men. Erectile dysfunction is characterized by a very weak and short erection, in some cases, even by the total absence of it. The most frequent symptom of the disease is considered to be premature ejaculation. It can occur in the first minute after the initiation of the sexual act, or immediately after arousal. The problem is also accompanied by the absence of sexual desire, a low tone of life and lack of strength and energy [1] .

The source of symptoms in most cases is andropause.

The causes of problems with potency can also be:

  • unbalanced diet (and consequently, obesity);
  • low physical activity (creates stasis phenomena);
  • excessive alcohol intake;
  • smoke;
  • stress (nervous overvoltage);
  • psychological trauma;
  • insomnia (chronic fatigue);
  • atherosclerosis;
  • varicose;
  • diabetes (details on how to administer Sildenafil can be found in the article ” Kamagra in the presence of diabetes “);
  • diseases and inflammatory processes of organs in the area of ​​the small pelvis.

Types of diseases

Based on the causes, the following types of diseases are highlighted:

1. Psychogen

They occur for psychological problems: long periods of stress, neurosis, depression, strained relationships with sexual partners, dissatisfaction with the quality of sex, according to the man. In cases, when the dysfunction is caused by psychological problems, the patient has spontaneous and masturbative erections, but adequate masturbation is weakened and libido dysfunction may occur.

2. Organic

They are caused by another disease or action of negative factors on the organism (conditions of the surrounding environment, bad habits). Impotence of an organic nature according to the causes can be divided into the following types:

  • vascular (occurs due to arterial and veno-occlusive dysfunctions),
  • hormonal (occurs due to dysfunctions in the degree of testosterone absorption),
  • neurogenic (occurs as a result of diseases of the spinal cord or brain and peripheral nerves),
  • Endocrine (occurs due to the elevation of estrogen present in the body).

3. Mixed

It is the set of psychogenic and organic dysfunctions, for example chronic illness, combined with psychological problems.

4. Medicamentous

They are placed in a separate group. Related to the intake of antihypertensive drugs, antipsychotics, antidepressants, antiandrogens, antihistamines, narcotics. At the same time, however, both spontaneous and adequate erections suffer and libido is also lowered.

If the difficulties in having a satisfying sex act are related to one of the aforementioned reasons, then Kamagra will truly be a lifesaver. A similar effect can also have Cialis and Levitra 

What is Sildenafil used for?

Kamagra contains the active ingredient, which is a strong selective inhibitor Sildenafil. At the beginning it was thought to create a stimulating substance, capable of restoring the blood circulation of the cardiovascular system.

Laboratory research has shown low effectiveness in fighting diseases related to the heart and blood vessels. At the same time, however, it was discovered that the action of the drug is capable of normalizing the functions of the genital system. It has an effective action on the smooth muscles of the corpus cavernosum in the penis. In other words, Sildenafil emits a strong effect towards the blood vessels of the penis, strengthens their walls and accelerates blood circulation.

All the work of the active ingredient is aimed at strengthening blood circulation in the area of ​​the small pelvis. The penis is filled with blood and acquires elasticity, which is necessary for friction and a satisfying sexual act. In other words, sexual function returns completely normal.

Thanks to the healing effect of Kamagra, based on Sildenafil, man can forget about problems with potency for a whole 4-6 hours.

Sildenafil as an active ingredient is also present in following effective generic Kamagra: Generic Kamagra , Kamagra Soft , Kamagra . They are a decent alternative to Kamagra and differ from the original only in a lower price and pharmaceutical form.

What is Kamagra good for for a healthy man?

Kamagra is administered by so many men, who have absolutely no problem with erectile dysfunction. What advantages do they get from administration:

Psychological support. Men are so afraid of being unable to bed, particularly if it is their first contact or a new partner. Excessive sexual arousal can be the cause of bed failure. To prevent such an unpleasant situation, they take Kamagra.

New sensations. By taking the drug the sensation of the penis can be stronger, especially the glans penis, which leads to a stronger filling and a very strong erection. In this way the man receives heated emotions and new experiences in his sexual life.

However, if a noticeable improvement in potency occurs while taking pills, it is a sign of future problems and a good reason to consult a doctor.

What else is Kamagra good for?

Nowadays, it is confirmed that, aside from restoring male potency, Kamagra can also be used to treat:

Pulmonary hypertension

Sildenafil is also effective in treating a rare disease, pulmonary arterial hypertension . The substance weakens the walls of the arteries, which leads to the lowering of resistance and pulmonary pressure.

This, in turn, lowers the load on the right ventricle and improves symptoms of right-sided heart failure.

Since PDE 5 is mainly positioned in the arterial wall of smooth muscles of the lungs and penis, the drug acts selectively on all 2 areas, avoiding to create the enlargement of blood vessels in other organs of the body.

Pfizer filed an additional registration of Sildenafil with the FDA, which was confirmed in June 2005. To avoid confusion with Kamagra, the drug was initially called Revatio and was produced in white round 20 mg pills.

Altitude sickness

Sildenafil can also be taken for prophylaxis and treatment of acute pulmonary edema, linked to altitude sickness, which mainly mountaineers suffer from. Although this effect has recently been found, the active ingredient is already used to treat this type of disease .
Thanks to the multilateral effects, Kamagra treats various diseases. It not only helps in the presence of erectile dysfunction of any kind of severity, but is also capable of improving a man’s quality of life. The most popular drug in the world among the representatives of the stronger sex, restores not only physical health, but also the moral state.

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