Aphex twin … I care because you do

media, audio, photo @ Pixabay


Aphex twin, I care because you do “I Care Because You Do” is a 1994 album by electronic musician Aphex Twin.

The album was released on Warp Records in the UK and on Astralwerks in the US. It features tracks that were recorded from 1991-1993 during Richard D James’ time living in Cornwall with his then-girlfriend near an army base.

phonograph, record, music @ Pixabay

The album is considered by many to be Aphex Twin’s most accessible work, featuring a more conventional song structure and melody than other albums.

“I Care Because You Do” also features the only vocal track on any of Richard D James’ Warp Records releases, with an appearance from long-time collaborator and former girlfriend Elizabeth Frasier as she sings vocals on “Pulsing”.

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