are you really in charge here?

sadness, tears, crying @ Pixabay

Are you in charge or not? That is the question that many people ask themselves when they are given a promotion and put in charge of a team. If the answer is yes, you have just been challenged by someone who thinks they should be your boss instead!  

sadness, tears, crying @ Pixabay


In this blog post, we will talk about different ways to handle being challenged by a higher role without losing yourself or stepping on any toes. Don’t lose your temper. If you feel like someone is challenging you, don’t get angry or lash out at them! This will only make the situation worse and hurt any potential relationship with that person. Try to keep calm and think about what they are saying before responding instead of just lashing out in anger.

If someone does not believe that you are truly qualified for a role- even if it is true- try asking for feedback on how to improve yourself so people can see all of your skillsets as well as your ability to lead others. Giving constructive criticism when appropriate helps build trust and respect between team members; this also shows maturity rather than getting defensive right away when being challenged by a higher position within an


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