Mobile Gaming: The Professional’s Guide


In this mobile gaming blog post, we will be looking at the mobile gaming landscape and how to approach it as a professional. We’ll start with an overview of what exactly makes up a mobile game developer from code monkeys. Working in their basement all the way to large corporations that have dedicated divisions for creating games specifically for handheld devices. This includes going over typical salaries & benefits as well as where there is opportunity as far as job openings go along with some suggestions on who might want to take advantage of those openings. Whether you’re just starting out or are already established within the industry but ready for something new!

Mobile Marketing

This can be a great way to increase your brand awareness. Mobile consumers are very engaged with their devices. This means that you have the opportunity to capture some of this attention for yourself. There are plenty of different mobile apps available on Google Play and Apple Store. It will help connect your business with potential customers through various advertising methods, such as banner ads or push notifications. However, there is no guarantee that these users will actually download your app. So it’s important not to rely too heavily on them either! Furthermore, if you want people to see any advertisements you purchase then they need to know about your game. So they’ll search using keywords related to it (such as “action games”). A good place to start is by using Facebook Mobile Ads to target people who have already ‘Liked’ your page on the social network.

Mobile Game Development

In the mobile game development process, once you have chosen your platform and developed a prototype, it is time to actually create your app. Mobile App Developers typically use cross-platform software such as Unity or Unreal Engine. It enables them to offer their customers more than one gaming option in a single package. Once they have created the app for its designated platform(s), Mobile App Developers can begin testing it on different devices before releasing it into the world! Stay tuned for part three of this series. We will discuss what happens after an app has been released monetization through ads and paid downloads!

Mobile Game Monetization

It is all about getting your valued players to make a purchase. App developers can choose from two different options when it comes to monetizing their apps in-app purchases or paid downloads.

Mobile gamers are willing to pay for their games. But Mobile App Developers must convince them that the game is worth spending money on. Mobile gaming has led to a growing market of in-app purchases where players can purchase currency or special powers within the game. Instead of having to make an additional purchase before playing (similar to many popular mobile MMORPGs).

Mobile Game Analytics

As more and more companies begin releasing apps onto various app stores, Mobile Game Analytics becomes increasingly important. Mobile Game Analysts use data analytics tools such as Google Analytics and Flurry to gather information about how users interact with different aspects of each app. This allows Mobile App Developers and Mobile Gaming Companies alike to better understand what parts of a particular game need improvement. So they can provide a better user experience for future updates. Mobile Game Analytics is especially important when it comes to monetizing apps. Since Mobile App Developers can use the data they collect to create an app that will most likely appeal to their targeted audience!

Mobile Gaming Platforms

Mobile gaming platforms are changing rapidly as technology begins dominating in every aspect of our lives! As mobile devices continue to become more powerful with each new release, Mobile Playback Devices have followed suit by becoming increasingly sophisticated. The newest generation of smartphones and tablets offer high-resolution displays capable of rendering graphics at higher rates than ever before. Mobile gamers now expect a certain level of visual fidelity from games being released on any one platform.

Apple iOS

Apple’s iOS currently dominates both market share and profitability in the Mobile Gaming World. iOS gamers typically spend more money on mobile games than Android users do, due to Apple’s strict review guidelines. This lead to a higher quality app market compared to other platforms such as Google Play or Amazon App Store for Android.

Google Play

The second most popular Mobile Gaming Platform is currently dominated by Google with their suite of Mobile Operating System Options. It includes Android, Chromecast and Chrome OS . The Google Play store has recently seen an increase in monetization opportunities through paid ads within apps themselves (rather than within individual game levels). It can be directly linked to increased ad revenue from those who download them!

Amazon Apps MarketPlace

Finally we have the third largest Mobile Gaming Platform; Amazon’s App Store for Mobile! Amazon’s Mobile Gaming Platform is still fairly new. But they have been making significant strides in the Mobile Game Development Community. By offering developers a 70% revenue split from each purchase made using their Mobile Operating System. As of this writing it has been rumored that Amazon will soon begin releasing its own line of Android-based tablets to compete with Google and Apple devices directly.

Mobile Gaming Companies

Mobile gaming companies help make everything possible by providing funding and support to smaller indie game devs who might not otherwise be able to bring their games off the ground without them! Some well known mobile gaming companies include Kabam, Rovio Entertainment (creator of Angry Birds), Machine Zone (MZ) formerly known as InnoMax, as well as Disney Mobile!

Mobile Game Developer Resources

Mobile App Developers who wish to create their own games have a large number of resources available for them. This is especially important if you plan on developing games specifically targeting Mobile Gaming Platforms such as iOS or Google Play. Since it can be more difficult and expensive than creating apps that will run on the Amazon MarketPlace (or other similar platforms). A few examples of helpful Mobile Gaming Resources include: Unity Engine, Corona SDK, Marmalade SDK and Cocos-Build !


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The most amazing person you will ever meet. I am the internet's original narcissist, and I'm not afraid to say it! My life is one big globetrotting adventure that only ends when death takes me away from all this beauty - which could be sooner rather than later if my health doesn't improve soon enough ( hospital visits are expensive ). But until then: onward into unknown territory...


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