Any molecule that serves as an electron acceptor will be __________?

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An electron acceptor is any molecule that serves as an electron acceptor. They’re reactive and are usually found in the mitochondria of cells.

Electron acceptors act to balance out the reactions for cellular respiration by taking electrons from molecules like water or food and transferring them to oxygen so they can be used to create adenosine triphosphate (ATP) which is a cell’s main source of energy.

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Excerpt: Electron acceptors act to balance out the reactions for cellular respiration by taking electrons from molecules like water or food and transferring them to oxygen so they can be used. This is how cells are able to create ATP which is a cell’s main source of energy.

Bold Text: This is how cells are able to create ATP which is a cell’s main source of energy. End excerpt In order to understand why it’s important first to know what an electron acceptor does in the mitochondria of cells.

An electron acceptor acts as a middleman that takes electrons from other substances (such as water or food) and transfers them onto oxygen – this process keeps reactive compounds in check while


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