Approximately how many calories should a person who weighs 160 pounds consume per day?

brunch, fitness, cottage cheese @ Pixabay

This is a question that many people ask themselves when they are trying to lose weight. If you want to know the answer, then this blog post will help you find out! We have done some research and found that most people who weigh 160 pounds should consume between 1600-2400 calories per day depending on how much activity they do. The answer to this question relies on the following factors: age, height, weight and sex. The number of calories a person needs can also depend on their activity level.

eclair, strawberry cake, strawberries @ Pixabay

For example, if you are an office worker who sits all day then you will need less than someone who is constantly running around town or working out in the gym. Many people assume that they should eat as many calories as possible because it sounds like more food means more lost pounds but that’s not true! Eating too much food has many negative effects including increased blood sugars levels which leads to diabetes, high cholesterol and other health problems. It becomes difficult for your body to know when enough is enough if you’re eating foods with artificial ingredients so be careful what kind of


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